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Tourism/Hospitality/Event Management Academic Essay

literature reviewOrder DescriptionM.Sc. in Tourism/Hospitality/Event Management The Effective Manager 2016 / 2017Assessment SpecificationMethod of Assessment Weighting Individual Research Paper Literature Review 20%N.B. A minimum of 25 out of 100 must be achieved in order for the module total to be aggregated. Title: Effective management practices in organisations operating in an unpredictable business environment 1. Individual Research Paper Literature Review (20%)Rationale By carrying out this assessment, students will develop a deeper understanding of effective management practices in organisations that are operating in an unpredictable business environment.This Assessment requires students to undertake a Literature Review on one of the following areas:1. Critically discuss the extent to which tourism, hospitality or event organisations need to embrace strategic flexibility, within the context of a turbulent business environment.2. Critically examine the importance of risk management in tourism, hospitality or event organisations against the background of a rapidly evolving business landscape.3. Critically examine the importance of the effective implementation of a corporate communication strategy to enhance the strategic positioning of tourism and/or hospitality and events organizations.4. Tansley (2011) puts forward the question What do we mean by the term talent in talent management. Critically evaluate the meaning of talent in the context of managing talent in a hospitality, tourism or event management organisation. 5. Critically evaluate the importance of corporate governance for tourism, hospitality or event organisations today. Your Literature Review should address the main issues and areas of debate in the literature, particularly drawing from relevant peer-reviewed journal articles.(For further information regarding the development of a Literature Review, please refer to Chapter 5 of The Reference Handbook.)Assessment Time ScalesDate Advised: Wednesday, September 21st 2016 (Week 1)Submission Date: Wednesday, November 16th 2016 (Week 9) Individual Research Paper Guidelines1. Length of Assessment 2500 words (not including title page, table of contents, list of references and appendices). Please include the word count on the title page. 2. Assessment must be typed font size 12; one and a half line spacing 3. Section headings font size 14 or 16, use of underlining and italics permitted 4. The paper should include: Title Page Table of Contents with page numbers Introduction Literature Review Conclusions List of References / Bibliography5. Pages should be numbered consecutively. 6. Tables and diagrams may be used. 7. The New Oxford English Dictionary should be used as a reference for all spelling and hyphenations. 8. Students should refer to The Reference Handbook for further details regarding referencing conventions (source: https://hospitality.dit.ie/reference.pdf) 9. The Assessment must refer to at least 5 relevant peer-reviewed journal articles in addition to textbooks, trade publications, conference papers etc. 10. Each individual paper should be labelled clearly with students name, programme and group with a single staple in the top left-hand corner of the paper. 11. Assessments are to be submitted in hard copy form on Wednesday, November 16th 2016, not later than 12 noon in Room 25 to Dr Clare Johnson. All students will be required to sign in their individual papers in class on day of submission. Assessments may not be submitted via email/left in lecturers mail-boxes.12. Students are required to familiarise themselves with the Dublin Institute of Technology (2009) General Assessment Regulations (second edition).13. Students are also required to submit their Individual Research Paper to SafeAssign on the modules webcourses page prior to the submission date. You should allow yourself adequate time to process your assessment in SafeAssign and receive a SafeAssign Originality Report. You are required to submit a hard copy of Page 1 of the SafeAssign Originality Report which identifies the results of the matching process. Please staple this page at the end of your assessment. Students should ensure that your individual assessments have matching scores below 15%. Please refer to the Student Guide to SafeAssign on the following link: https://www.dit.ie/lttc/media/ditlttc/webcourses/Safe%20Assign%20Student%20Guide.pdf 14. All assessment queries will be dealt with in class only.Assessment 1 Literature Review Feedback SheetLecturer: Student: Programme:Safe Assign summary report attached Percentage match General Comments Very poor Poor Fair Good Excellent Presentation of work (including proof read, spell check) Referencing (in body of text & reference list) Writing style (e.g. English language, clear coherent argument, grammar, signposting, sentence structure, links between paragraphs etc.) Flow of argument Level of Analysis Level of Synthesis Original thinking Evidence of breadth of reading Marking Structure Marks Marks awarded Organisation/Layout/Referencing 10 Evidence of Breadth & Depth of Research 35 Flow & Structure of Argument 15 Analysis & Critical Discussion 30 Original Thinking 10 Total 100 Comments (Please see comments on your work over the page) FINAL MARK Code Applies to Work Writing A The writing is of a high standard B The language used communicates clearly for the most part. C The written English needs work so that the reader can follow the argument Presentation D The work is presented well E The presentation of the document is not of an appropriate standard F The document needs to be proofread G The document needs to be spell-checked Structure H This is a clearly structured piece of work which makes clear arguments I The context of the work is established in the introduction J Clear conclusions are presented K Conclusions need to tie together the key arguments that the work has discussed L Arguments and points need to be linked together M This piece of work lacks a coherent structure Referencing / Bibliography N Referencing / Citations in the text are of an appropriate standard O Referencing / Citations in the text needs improvement (see Reference Handbook) P The bibliography is clearly and accurately presented Q The bibliography does not follow the guidelines as specified in the Reference Handbook Use of Literature / Research R The scope and breadth of literature discussed is appropriate S This assessment shows that the reader has engaged with the literature T The types and level of sources are not appropriate for the assessment level U More literature and appropriate references are required V This essay/document needs to be contextualized using literature etc. W This piece of work engages in appropriate primary research Discussion/Critical analysis/Original thinking X The writer shows an ability to engage in original and critical thinking Y The author has a good grasp of the key issues relating to this topic Z This piece of work focuses on the key question/issue A1 Reasoned arguments are presented B1 A higher level of analysis is required throughout C1 You need to tease out issues more to engage in a deeper level of discussion/analysis General D1 Well done this is an excellent pice of work which shows a strong ability to write, engage in analysis and make clear arguments E1 This is a very good piece of work which could achieve a 1st if you had dealt with the issues specified. F1 This is a good piece of work which with more work could have attained higher grade. Addressing the issues outlined in this comment sheet would help you attain this level. G1 This work shows an understanding of key issues but greater depth of discussion and analysis is needed in order to receive a higher mark H1 The work meets the minimum criteria for a pass I1 This document needs considerable work to bring is to an acceptable level to pass

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