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StaffingOrder Description
concise business writing and the use of tables as much as possible. youre making a proposal to the organizations leadership team, so youll want to make sure you think about it from that perspective. Be sure to include the requirements of every module.This is from the syllabus..
Project (course-long)
This project will enhance your analytical skills and allow you to apply the concepts in this textbook to a real-world situation. You will select an organization about which you have some interest or knowledge, and about which you can acquire additional information. The goal of your report is to align the staffing system for a key position in this organization with the organizations business strategy. You will analyze how effectively the target organization is staffing a key position, and make recommendations for improvement. At the end of each module is an assignment requiring you to apply that modules material to your chosen job.
Your report should be addressed to the companys executive management team. Your job is to persuade them that your recommendations will lead to a positive return on investment (ROI) for the organization and better enable it to execute its business strategy. Assume that the executive management team does not have a working knowledge of staffing terminology. As a result, you need to write your report so that a layperson can easily understand what you are communicating.
Feedback can be sought from the professor at any time if you have questions or if you need clarification on any aspect of the project (or the course).
The final project is due in module 9. While feedback will be provided as soon as assignments are turned in, the project will be graded in its totality at the end. This gives you the opportunity to incorporate instructor feedback into the final product and complete the course with a better product, more learning, and a higher grade. This is also a great experiential process from which you will have something to show your employer or prospective employer.
Project Requirements: There are no minimum or maximum page limits. Reports should be as long as necessary to present the relevant material and no longer. The focus should be on demonstrating appropriate understanding and application of course material.
Project reports will be submitted to a plagiarism prevention service of that is integrated with Canvas known as Turnitin. When a paper is submitted to Turnitin, it is compared against three vast databases of content from three primary sources:This syllabus was developed for online learning by Rose Opengart, Ph.D. MGMT_678_
The following is broken down by the weeks, . Just to add a better idea of what he is looking for out of the projectWeek 1 progression
For your project, you will need to select an organization about which you have some interest or knowledge, and about which you can acquire additional information. Your task for this week is to brainstorm jobs that you have access to. It can be a job you currently hold or have held in the past, or the job a family member or friend.
Ideally, you will need about 30 minutes of time from a person who currently works, or who has worked, in the job you choose, and 30 minutes of his or her supervisors time. If you cannot get the supervisor to participate, using one or two current or previous jobholders is acceptable.
Before next week in Module 2, you should identify at least one position that you would like to use for the Project and choose one to pursue. You should confirm that you will have access to the job experts, and solidify the job and organization you will use for the project.
You will also need to identify realistic short-term and long-term process and outcome goals for your chosen position. In your textbook, Table 1-2 gives examples of both types of staffing goals, and Table 1-3 gives you some questions to consider when setting appropriate staffing goals.Week 2 progression
You should have a list of jobs and companies to access for the project. You have hopefully come closer to deciding which job and organization to use for the semester project. If you havent done so already, begin collecting information on the company, its business strategy and competitive advantage, and how it currently sources, recruits, and selects for the position you identified. You also need to identify how the position is strategic for the company in some way. You should confirm that you will have access to one or two job experts and solidify the job and organization your team will use for the project.
Specifically, you need to include the following in your report:
1. A brief summary of the organization, its business strategy, and its culture.
2. An explanation of why the position you chose is strategic for the company (why should attention be given to improving how it is staffed? What are the implications of having low versus high performers in the job?). Describe the strategic context of your future proposal for recruiting and selecting for this job what must future hires be able to do to help the company execute its business strategy?
3. Responses to each of the nine strategic staffing decisions presented in Table 2-6 and a justification for each of your recommendations. These are the nine decisions from table
1. do we want a core or flexible workforce?
2. do we prefer to hire internally or externally
3. do we want to hire for or train and develop needed skills
4. do we want to replace or retain our talent
5. what levels of which skills do we need where
6. will we staff proactively or reactively
7. which jobs should we focus on
8. is staffing treated as an investment or a cost
9. will staffing be centralized or decentralized
Week 3 progression
Based on your chosen company and job, perform a job or competency analysis on the job as it exists now and as it will look in the near future. Summarize your findings in a job requirements matrix. Identify which qualifications are essential and which are desirable in new hires. Also do a job rewards analysis and summarize it in a job rewards matrix. Who might find the rewards offered by the job and organization attractive?
Continue working on the job analysis and competency model for the position. Also, describe the positions relevant labor market(s) and provide a forecast of the future labor supply for the position. Develop an approximate timeline covering the period from job posting to the new hire beginning work.
Week 4 progression
Develop a sourcing plan for the position you have chosen. Critically analyze the recruiting sources currently used to staff the position and recommend other recruiting sources that are likely to work. Be sure to explain why your recommendations are likely to be effective. Using what you learned in Chapter 3, identify how your sourcing plan will enable the company to comply with EEO and other legal requirements.
Next, identify a geographic area from which to source the job and perform a Boolean search using the information in this chapters Develop Your Skills feature. Revise your search until you have identified at least three promising leads for staffing the position. Save the candidates rsums or biographies and append them to your report.
Finally, research, describe, and critically analyze the alignment between existing recruiting practices and the staffing needs of this key position. Recommend alternative recruiting strategies, methods, target applicants, appropriate recruiters, the training recruiters should receive, and how they should be rewarded and evaluated. Using what you learned in Chapter 3, identify how your recruiting plan will enable the company to comply with EEO and other legal requirements. Also, develop a sample newspaper ad for the position that incorporates both the companys employer brand and a realistic job preview.
Week 5 progression
Continue to work on your project requirements. Begin researching, describing, and critically analyzing the alignment between the position you chose and the organizations existing assessment practices. Devise a series of assessment methods (interviews, assessment centers, work samples, and so forth) for evaluating job candidates. Using what you learned in Chapter 4, identify how your assessment plan will enable the company to be compliant with Equal Employment Opportunity (EEO) laws and other legal requirements.
Week 6 progression
s you continue with your project work, be sure you have justified your recommendations and used concrete examples along with scoring keys to highlight the specific methods for selecting employees. Create a formal assessment plan linking your assessment methods to the characteristics being assessed.
Develop an internal assessment strategy for evaluating employees for your chosen position. If the job you chose is not staffed internally, create an employee assessment plan to evaluate employees already in the position in the event downsizing becomes necessary.
Week 7 progression
Continue to work on your project. Describe how candidates assessment scores will be combined into a single score that can be used to compare candidates. Describe how you will reduce the candidate pool to a group of finalists and how you will decide which of your finalists will receive a job offer. Using what you learned in Chapter 4, identify how your decision-making plan will enable the company to comply with EEO and other legal requirements.
Develop a socialization plan for the person hired for your chosen position based on the socialization choices presented in Table 12-1. Justify your recommendations. Be sure to reflect on the companys culture when developing your socialization plan. Also recommend appropriate staffing technologies that you feel would benefit the plan.This is the reference for the book
Phillips, J.M. & Gully, S. M. (2015). Strategic Staffing (3rd ed.). Hoboken, New Jersey: Pearson Education, Inc.

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