I. Annotated Bibliography
1. Begin by reading the instructions for the complete research paper (below). NOTE: The research paper itself is not due until Week 13. The annotated bibliography is just designed to help you get started on the research you will need to write this paper.
2. From among those we have already studied this semester, choose one philosopher as the focus of your research paper. The title of your bibliography should include this philosopher’s name.
3. Select what will be your “key” passage from this philosopher. Include this passage in full, together with a page number, at the beginning of the bibliography.
4. Select the three supporting passages that your “key” passage will help explain. Include these passages in full, together with their page numbers, at the beginning of the bibliography.
5. Select at least two secondary sources providing useful historical and philosophical background for your philosopher and chosen key passage. Provide full bibliographical information for both. Write a paragraph of 4-5 sentences for each source explaining why these particular secondary sources will be useful.