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Engaging With the Politics of Sustainability Transitions

Meadowcroft informs in the article “Engaging with the Politics of Sustainability Transitions” understanding of the transition approach have clarified society change process. He mentions that there is a deficiency of understanding the political boundaries of the sustainability transition although studies have clarified them. As a result of this lack, obstacles of implementing are on the way of transition to a sustainable society. Furthermore, he believes politics plays a crucial role in the implementation of sustainability practices in the industry. He comes to terms by providing references of political boundaries of the sustainability transition with social science research. In fact, the author aims on focusing the preforming of political decisions is significant to clarify and shape the political boundaries of sustainability transitions. He notes that the political goodwill is a significant player when it comes to implementation of various societal policies. Transition is portrayed as a systematic yet complex process that requires sound management skills and positive attitude provide the political end. Sustainability demands full involvement and commitment of the political wing to mobilize people to act right and support the transition process. This is only possible if the execution plan presents objectivity to the overall community.
He highlights three contributions, which are dominant on the subject. Firstly, this idea supports that, without a convenient political and political frame, the sustainability cannot be supported by society. Second, the author mentions about the theoretical idiom of the transition, which helps to change processes. Third, the author defines the transition management as a useful toolbox of techniques, which makes easier collaboration between innovators. He emphasizes that these three contribution concepts must work coherently and at the same pace since they are interrelated and important on equal ground. In other words, sustainable transition requires a participatory decision making that will capture the diverse ideas of the members of the society. The information gathered through this method requires critical analysis, and this calls for sober and expertise approach only achievable through involvement of the technocrats. Political authority can suppress or promote the technocrats’ input into the process, and this explains the existing link among the three contribution tenets.
Meadowcroft also mentions that politics takes role in every level of three levels that is, perspectives landscape level, regime level and niche level. He supports his idea for each level. For the landscape level, he says that mainly politics controls the general economic climate, innovation and the development of technologies. For the regime level, he explains his idea with legal structures and any kind of supports comes from government for the initiatives. Lastly, he gives the government programs as an example, which encourages innovations or also discourages innovations. “Sustainable development is a thing that changes several systems in the society such as transport, construction, and energy” (Meadowcroft 56). The aim of sustainability is mainly developing better world for humanity. The author also explains that any kind of sustainable development must be counted as a political project because they are not randomly generated developments. He also says that government processes such as changes of laws about carbon tax or GHG emissions cap and trade systems have huge effects on the development of new technologies. These kinds of changes can only be initiated by the political authorities. He says that this is a proof of inheritance of politics on the development of sustainability projects.
On the other hand, there are some disadvantages which are caused by the lack of political interest on the sustainability projects. He explains three main reasons of the lack of political interest on developing sustainability projects: The First one explains that some politicians believe there are much more important problems for the society. Second, there are some issues with unclear effects on world so taking action seems like overwhelm. Third, change disturbs established interests (Meadocroft 32). He also mentions about the less number of academic articles on the design of climate policies and instruments most likely because
researchers have focused largely on policy not on the improvements.
He finally focused on the right questions which could help to solve problems related with the sustainability transitions such as “how sustainability transitions can exploit the ups and downs of the economic cycle; which strategies are most successful for building impetus for perform specific societal subsystems; what forms of political alliance are most conducive to encouraging sustainability”. (Meadowcroft 41). Rising up those questions aids to find solutions for sustainability transition issues. Increasingly, researchers is improving the way to preform sustainability transition but that requires engagement of society and scientific knowledge “We must develop a new strategy for creating and rapidly translating knowledge into action, which will form part of a new contract between science and society, with commitments from both sides” (Karen). Scientists tend to transfer scientific knowledge to the society, yet that raises a controversial dissection whether the knowledge is followed with action or not. The prevailing political climate has a significant influence on the economic cycles and this in turn translate into accurate and reliable forecasting on the feasibility of the sustainability plan. The author puts emphasis on the increasing campaign of blending science and the practical needs of the society. This explains the widespread lobby for sustainable transition devoid of mere theoretical framework without practical application. There is need for further research to reconcile the raw knowledge people have on the matter and the ideal implementation policy. For successful research and development on this subject, the political organs need to chip in and mobilize funds for the good of the society.
Lastly, he says that we have to consider the influence of political ideologies on the sustainability transitions. He says that it is not just related with consumer preferences, it is also related with the voters and politicians ideas about the environmental problems and the role of governments on the sustainability transitions. “The greens party has drafted some of the most stringent environmental protection policies in the world” (Redekop 43). Politics influences are extremely obvious on sustainability transitions. Moreover, the author finalizes his article with the several suggestions to the researchers such as more research on innovative conceptions of living generated in civil society and challenge the state, the ways to supporting sustainability with distinct political ideologies and finding a new political culture favorable to sustainability might be nurtured and changing the politicians perceptions.
In conclusion, Meadowcroft consistently shows that political decisions have a huge impact on sustainability transitions, which completely shape sustainability transitions. Nevertheless, society is incapable to support the idea without convenient political decisions. However, regrettably the author approve that there is a lack of political interest on developing sustainability projects. He ends up with raising questions that determine the problems and highlight how to solve them. Increased political input into the process of transition is given central interest in the overall discussion.

Work cited

Meadowcroft , . “Engaging With The Politics of Sustainability Transitions.” science Direct. N.p., n.d. Web. .
Redekop, Benjamin . leadership for environmental sustainability. Routledge, 2010. Print.

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