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Discussion Board Response

Replies: Provide 2 thoughtful replies to the threads of classmates, or your instructor. Each reply must include an analysis of your classmates’ threads, based on any experience from your own professional career (if applicable) that might be relevant. All replies must be 200–250 words. Also, be sure to integrate the required reading in a logical and relevant manner.
You must cite:
The textbook or at least 1 peer-reviewed journal article,
1 passage of Scripture, and
The audio lesson presentation.

The reply part of your assignment requires the use of two required references, which should be cited at least 2 times in your papers. In addition, one of your replies is missing a Biblical citation.

Your research paper is missing two out of the three required references for this assignment. All 3 of your Robbins citations are incorrectly stated (see your APA manual for this). Also, your introduction does not have the correct information.
Begin writing your research paper’s introduction with the exact word-for-word information you see in the sample papers I sent to the class. The introduction you have provided here does not contain any of your paper’s objectives as it should. Your introduction should include the chapter theme and number, the source of your research, your specific organizational issue (example: My organizational issue is the impact of emotions on customer satisfaction in the food service industry). This is just an example of something you could use. The point here is that you must clearly identify your organizational issue. Next, your organizational issue is missing entirely.

Avoid writing in the second person for anything you write in this class. Your statement,
“As an employer or employee, we are sometimes required to make choices between two alternatives to a problem” is a second-person statement. The problem with using “we” in the second-person is that no one really knows who “we” is. If you have read my supplemental instructions you will notice that I have clearly addressed using second-person writing in research papers.

Discussion Board 3
This research paper will be written from Chapter 13: Contemporary Issues in Leadership (Robbins & Judge, 2009). My organizational issue is: Trust between leadership and employee. I will discuss and give examples of this organizational issue based off of my own personal experience and observation within the work place. The two concepts that I will use to analyze my organizational issue is deterrence-based trust and knowledge-based trust.
Organizational Issue
Throughout my job history, I have had many different kinds of managers. From this I have learned that it is important to have a great amount of trust in my leadership to perform well. At my current job, I have branch manager that I learned not to trust within my first week of working there. I have had a few business interactions with him to provide that he will do what it takes to always make himself look good. However at my last job, I had a manager that I worked with for about year and half, and I built a close bond professionally and personally with her. Leadership should understand that it is important to build an honest relationship with their employees and to hold themselves responsible for their employees. (Fischer, 2009, Slide 3)

Deterrence-Based Trust
At my current job I have a branch manager that spends a lot of time out of the office. When he’s in the office he often micro-manages everyone and hardly gives any positive feedback. After watching him interact with us, I have learned that he treats people differently depending on who’s around. Before he left to go on leave, we were audited on our company’s policy and procedures. When the auditor came he was overly friendly to the customers and us, but if we were not doing our job perfectly, he would pull us to the side and advise us of what needed to be fixed immediately. This action has affected my level of trust with him. The most fragile trust relationship within an organization is deterrence-based trust. (Robbins & Judge, 2009, p425) “Deterrence-based trust is based on fear of reprisal if the trust is violated (Robbins & Judge, 2009, p425).” This trust is also referred to as the calculus-based trust, given by Lewicki and Bunker, which controls the behavior and manipulate the employee. (Tuan, 2012, p128)
Knowledge-Based Trust
Working in a collections call center can be a hard job, however I found a way to build a relationship with my manager while working on her team. Working with someone over a long length of time will help you build a line of trust and pick up on their routine behaviors. According to Robbins & Judge, this is known as a knowledge-based trust. Knowledge-based trust is defined as “trust based on the behavioral predictability that comes from a history of interaction (Robbins & Judge, 2009, p 425).” If I had bad month or if I did not reach the goal that company expected me to reach she would sit me down and discuss what happened. She should first ask me if everything was okay in that month, then tell what areas I could improve in, and give me advice on how to improve it. She would also follow up with positive feedback when she saw improvement. I could also predict from her behavior if the team was doing well for the month because she would walk around smiling and joking with us and if we needed to do better she would monitor us very closely. The ability to predict leadership behaviors or to know how he or she would respond to a situation helps employees to again a better trust for the leadership. (Tuan, 2012, p128)
Trust plays a huge role in the relationship between leadership and employee. When an employee trust their leadership they are more productive and willing to follow that leader. However if the trust is not there the employee may fell that they are being taken advantage of and could cause conflict. (Robbins & Judge, 2009, p. 424) As a Christian, I know that leadership means having a set of beliefs which reflects through a person’s actions. (Fischer, 2009, Slide 3) According to Hebrews 13:17, “Obey them that have rule over you, and submit yourselves: for they watch for your souls, as they that must give account, that they may do it with joy, and not with grief: for that is unprofitable for you (KJV).”


Fischer, K. (2009). Leadership. [PowerPoint slides]. Retrieved from

Robbins, S. P. & Judge, T. A. (2009). Personality and Values. (13 Ed.),
Organizational Behavior. (pp. 424-426). Upper Saddle River, New Jersey: Prentice Hall.

Tuan, L.T, (2012),”Marketing effectiveness and its precursors”, Asia Pacific Journal of
Marketing and Logistics, 24(1) pp. 125 – 152. Retrieved from http://dx.doi.org/10.1108/13555851211192731

This research paper is written on Chapter 11, Communication. My research is based on my work-related experience (direct observation). My organizational issue is communication and will be analyzed using the following two core concepts Knowledge Management and Filtering.
Communication is the “transfer and understanding of meaning” according to Robbins and Judge (2009, p. 351). Research suggests that poor communication is the cause of most interpersonal conflict (Robbins & Judge, 2009 p. 351). It is estimated that people spend roughly 70 percent of their day communicating, which goes to show the importance of being an effective communicator (Robbins & Judge, 2009 p. 351). In my organization, the two big communication issues stem from understanding. The first is the lack of understanding knowledge management systems such as Microsoft SharePoint; and the second, a lack of complete understanding of the message that was sent. Email messages that are not properly filtered often are misinterpreted or not understood in the way that the sender had intended.
Knowledge Management
Knowledge management is “the process of organizing and distributing an organization’s collective wisdom so the right information gets to the right people at the right time” according to Robbins and Judge (2009, p. 365). Fischer (2009) suggests that the key to knowledge management is that “there must in fact be a willingness among members to share information” (p. 8). The Bible teaches followers to share for the greater good rather than hoarding. Proverbs 11:24-25 states, “Give freely and become more wealthy; be stingy and lose everything. The generous will prosper; those who refresh others will themselves be refreshed.” This passage encourages the sharing of knowledge so that everyone in the organization has the most accurate information to make decisions. This in turn should increase the effectiveness of the organization. In my organization knowledge management was used extensively and redundantly. Instead of each individual keeping important files only on the computer, they were encouraged to place them both on the network I: Drive and on the intranet utilizing Microsoft SharePoint. The organization had specific folders and subfolders for each group/team and individuals that needed them. When the files were uploaded through these methods, others could be given permission to access those folders. This enables the quick sharing of the most up to date information. It also serves the purpose of backing up files in the case the computer crashes. This happens quite frequently being that our computer systems are outdated. Using these methods sounds easy, right? Well, they are not so easy for those individuals who are not technologically savvy or do not understand where to find the folders or how to work the programs. These issues are generally easily overcome with a few short instructional sessions on the basics of how to navigate and use these methods.
Email is the primary method of communication in my organization because messages can be quickly written, edited, filtered, and stored (Robbins & Judge, 2009 p. 360). Some messages are sent to only one or a few people where as others are on large distribution lists that include hundreds of recipients. Fischer (2009) suggests that “the guiding principle is that the faster the medium the greater the potential for ambiguity” (p. 8). A few of the issues that potentially could be avoided if filtering was used more include: misinterpreting the message, communicating negative messages, overuse of email, email emotions, and privacy concerns. These issues do not only apply to the message text, but the attachments as well. Filtering refers to manipulating the message in a way that it is seen more favorably by the receiver (Robbins & Judge, 2009 p. 368). One technique for filtering that has worked well for me is having someone else read the message before hitting “send.” This is a chance for a second set of eyes to review the information and evaluate it for any of the issues listed above. Being people are often inundated with email messages, they often misinterpret the messages due to not remembering to put the message into the intended context. This can be avoided by reviewing a previous conversation prior to the input of new ideas. Sometimes negative messages are sent over email instead of in person because it is easier when there is not first-hand human interaction involved. This can also lead to letting stronger emotions coming out in the message which will not be received well on the other end. I have found it to be best practice to only describe facts in negative emails, they are usually better received. I have noticed that some individuals overuse their email. They send an email to a peer when it would have been much easier to just go over to the other person and have a conversation.
There are several nuances to effectively communicating. The sender and receiver must understand the context of the message. The platform in which the message is sent might affect the understanding of the message. Information can be communicated/shared and stored in various systems enabling a greater understanding organizationally wide. Through the use of knowledge management and filtering, individuals can help their organizations communicate for effectively.
Fischer, K. (2009). LP-5. Organizational communication. Liberty University.
Robbins, S. & Judge, T. (2009). Organizational Behavior (Thirteenth Edition). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall.

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