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So this assignment would only be a one page paper added onto a term paper about conversion. I have sent my original term paper (which I will be uploading here) to my professor, and this is the feedback I have received:
“”” think one thing that is needed to make this into an “A” paper is some references to Christian theological sources. Allow me to recommend one. In the library, they will have a four-volume set called “Christian Dogmatics” by Francis Pieper. In volume II, there is a section on Conversion. Read that over and see if you can incorporate him into your paper.”””

Therefore, I would like you to read any portion of that section and write 1 paper at the and of my original term paper about it (so add it as the final paper, and don’t forget to site). PLEASE follow the writing style and wording; don’t use fancy words. Please note that you have to write it from a muslims point of view, so if you do not agree with what the book has to say, it is ok to mention that. If you do not have access to that book, please let me know.

CTHL 200
When it comes to religious conversions, it necessarily has to be a matter of faith. Many of the world’s major religions have different kinds of approaches to conversion. Conversion simply means that one takes a big step to accept a particular religion with all its practices, and all its rules. Conversions in Christian theology have their foundation in the gospel, according to Mathew. In Mathew 28:16-20, Jesus gave the great commissioning, which is the foundation of conversion. Moreover, Christian conversions are somewhat tied with baptism of water, and the Holy Spirit as well. In the Islamic culture, conversion takes a slightly different approach to conversions. In order to understand conversions in Christian theology, this paper will cover, analyze and discuss those points:
? The historical foundation of conversions in Christianity
? Why conversions are important
? What the process of conversion requires
? How to live after converting into another religion
? The danger of declining to be a convert
? The advantages of living as a true convert
? The position of other common religions on Christian conversions

It is also important to realize that conversions are the foundation of faith, either Islamic conversion or any other religion. Although conversions are seen and known as critical for the continued existence of any given faith, conversions to Christianity essentially mark the beginning of a new life in Christ Jesus as it also goes hand in hand with baptism.
The historical foundation of conversions is something that actually goes beyond Christianity. Islam for example, has it’s historical foundation of conversion from the days when the prophet Mohammed (Peace be upon him) led so many campaigns to spread the religion of Islam. As it is now, many people from different religions are trying to convert to Islam. The number of Muslim converts seems to be increasing every time assessments are done. The reason behind this is not yet very clear but it can be assumed that Islamic faith looks appealing and interesting to many people who want a flexible, clear approach to life. For example, Islamic faith allows a man to marry up to 4 wives. For that reason, the faith appeals to cultures that traditionally are “polygamous”. Therefore, the rising number of many people who convert to Christianity might be attributed to this. Besides, there is strong brotherhood in Islam. In my opinion, Muslims seem to care for one another within the Islamic faith more than other religions do care for their fellow converts. It is probably because of this reason converters to Islamic faith have been on the rise.
The historical foundation of conversions to Christianity can be traced to the ministry of Jesus Christ the Messiah. His coming preceded the Mosaic Law, and the age of prophets in Israyel. He was an accomplished teacher who advocated for true worship to God and return to being right through repentance or regret. After his death, he commanded to spread the gospel to the world, and that those who believed to be baptized in the name of the father and the son and of the Holy Spirit. Since that time, that has become the foundation of conversions in Christianity. Today, people are converted to Christianity through evangelisms, crusades, listening to sermons and through other means that the word of the lord can reach people. As long as one accepts Jesus Christ as the Messiah and God the father, one is converted to Christianity.
Conversions are necessary so that one may qualify for the kingdom of God. With the understanding that conversions are preceded with baptism, it means that one is converted into a true Christian. A true Christian is one who has fully accepted the gospel of Jesus. Such a converter has hope for the eternal life as demonstrated in John 3:16 that whoever believes in Jesus Christ will not perish but live eternally in God’s kingdom. Conversions are also necessary because Christ commanded it. When a person has been converted, they begin a journey of faith in which the persons is expected to conform and commit to the teachings of Christ. As long as a person consistently does what is right before God after accepting Jesus, then that person will be saved. Therefore, conversions are necessary for one to be saved.
The process of conversion required having faith in Christ Jesus and confessing that he is Lord. Faith, in this sense, means believing in Jesus as the Messiah and that God raised him from the dead. Once a person has believed in his/her heart and confessed with his/her mouth that Jesus is Lord, such an individual is considered born again. From that moment and after that moment, the person lives by doing what is right and avoiding all sinful and evil acts. Since there is only one God, a converted person must stop worshipping any other gods and now begin worshipping the only true God who is the same god that created the earth and the heavens. The individual should demonstrate being continuous in doing so, and both in the public and private life since God is all-knowing.
After conversion, the new converter is supposed to live according to the teachings of the Bible. For example, the person should continue worshipping one God in holiness and righteousness. In the event that the convert was before engaged in activities that are sinful before God, for example stealing and sexual immorality, the person should prevent doing those sins. This means that the individual must now no longer steal because God commanded that stealing is wrong. The person should also not engage in sexual activity before marriage because the Bible says that our bodies are the temples of the Holy Spirit. Sexual immorality is sin before God, and God promises to destroy those who destroy the spiritual temple with sexual sin (1 Corinthians 3:16-17).
Although many people who do not agree to be Christian converters are oblivious of the consequences of doing, the danger of refusing to be a Christian convert who accepts Jesus is that eternal condemnation awaits such a person. That is that if one hardens his/her heart and refuses to accept to be converted to a true Christian who does the will of God, then that person will “burn in hell”. This aspect of Christian conversion is likely to spur many debates, but that is the fact. In John 3:17, Jesus says that whoever does not believe in him stands already condemned. In Christianity, condemned means the punishment of burning in hell awaits the person. The good thing is that one can change their mind, believe in Jesus, and be forgiven. However, the danger of refusing to be a true converter who does God’s will means eternal condemnation awaits such a person irrespective of the religion they practice.
On the other hand, conversions in Christianity come with the advantage of living under God’s protection and provisions. The eyes of God are always o the righteous (only for those who obey what God’s word says). This means that God watches over his people. His word says that he prepared a kingdom for them with things that no eye has seen nor any ear heard. A conversion also allows a person to start a personal relationship with God. When one has a personal relationship with God, there is the promise of eternal life and provisions for the person’s own needs. God also protects and preserves that person who decides to have that kind relationship. It is good to note that any relationship with God is based on holiness. His word (the Bible) says that without holiness, no one will see the Lord (Hebrews 12:14).
It is needed to note that although Christian conversions are based on the authority of Jesus when he gave his disciplines the great commission, many religions have tiny regard for Christian conversions. In fact, every religion believes that it is the right religion and that its conversions are the best. That is another area of debate in matters of religion. The truth however, is that not all world religions worship the living God. Some worship what Islam and Christianity call idols. Christianity maintains that only the living God who created the heavens and the earth should be worshipped. Therefore, the position of other common religions on Christian conversions will always not be similar.
Annotated Bibliography
Aini, Noryamin. “Inter-Religious Marriage from Socio-Historical Islamic Perspectives.” Brigham Young University Law Review 2008, (January 1, 2008): 669. [In this article, the author address how issues of inter-religious marriages and conversion. The author notes that in many cases, conversions are also enhanced by imtermarriages, in which case the woman normally converts to the husbands religion. Children born in such marriage usually take the father’s faith.]
Buráková, Z. 2011. “Doubtful Conversion To Faith.” Bulletin Of The Transilvania University Of Brasov, Series IV: Philology & Cultural Studies 4, no. (53) 1: 39-42. [In this article, the author asserts that faith plays a critical role in conversions. Where there is faith, there could also be doubt for some people. The article underscores the importance of faith across all religions. It argues that identity formation is closely associated with religious faith, thus conversions.]
Ibermann, Ilka. “Did Christian Ethics have any Influence on the Conversion to Christianity?.” Zeitschrift Für Antikes Christentum / Journal Of Ancient Christianity 16, no. 1 (July 2012): 99-112. [Ibermann assess whether Christian ethics have any influence in conversions. He gives the examples of various positions held by scholars on the subject of morality and immortality and two sides of the same coin. The author also presents diverging viewp01oints.]
Woods, Orlando. “The geographies of religious conversion.” Progress In Human Geography 36, no. 4 (August 2012): 440-456. [Woods’ article reviews the process of religious conversion. He asserts that conversion goes beyond belief into other factors such as space and negotiation. His article sheds more light beyond the faith and belief approach to conversions.]

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