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MAR023-6 TCGC Assignment 2: Marking Grid

MAR023-6 TCGC Assignment 2: Marking Grid

Criteria Poor F
(1-34%) Weak E
(35-39%) Below Average D (40-49%) Average / Good C (50-59%) Good / V. Good B
(60-69%) V. Good / Excel. A
( 70% & above)

Need to give a clear set of aims and objectives. The focus is on the general topic/question.
Aims and objectives not presented clearly or are inappropriate. The focus is on the general topic. Aims and objectives stated but these do not adequately interpret the question. An adequate statement of aims and objectives that interpret the question fairly well. A good introduction provided with clear aims and objectives that interpret the question well. A very good introduction with clear aims and objectives that interpret the question accurately.
Literature is loosely related to the topic and is general. Should indicate sufficient breadth or depth of reading and/or understanding. Literature is mostly related to the topic but is general. There is a lack of depth and breadth, and largely descriptive.
Relevant literature has been presented but there is lack of depth and breadth of coverage. Attempt to apply some conceptual framework, but lack clarity. Relevant literature has been presented with adequate depth and breadth. But there is evidence of gaps where further research would be appropriate. Specific and relevant choice of literature is presented evidencing wide reading and understanding of the question. Good attempt at applying conceptual frameworks. A wide and relevant choice of literature presented with a well argued narrative. Impressive breadth & depth of research. Clear conceptual framework(s) applied.
Analysis Weak discussion, too descriptive, key issues not examined adequately. Discussion lacks clarity and depth, and is not adequate to lead to a sound conclusion nor focused enough to answer the question adequately. Relevant issues identified and an adequate discussion is presented. However the analysis does not go far enough to answer the question adequately. A good discussion of relevant issues presented. However a considerable gap in the focus, depth and width of the argument is evident. A sound, focused, critical evaluation and synthesis present; the argument offers clear links to answering the question. A very good, critical and focused evaluation and synthesis; a convincing argument presented in answering the question fully.

Conclusion and recommendations The conclusion is poor lacking in clarity. Recommendations are not evaluated and are not convincing. The conclusion presented lacks clarity. It does not fully reflect the analysis provided nor the aims and objectives. Recommendations lack clarity and evaluation. The conclusion presented is not that clear and convincing. Not adequately connected to the aims and objectives. Recommendations do not appear practical. An adequate conclusion, with sufficient connection to the stated aims and objectives. Recommendations are workable but not adequately evaluated. A good conclusion – clear and relevant with good connection to the stated aims and objectives. Sound and well evaluated recommendations. A very good conclusion – clear, concise, and relevant; connected to the stated aims and objectives. Sound & well evaluated recommendations.
Scholarly practice
You should follow the recommended scholarly practice. It is generally below the norm at this level. Overall weak. Need to review citations & referencing styles, use of appropriate global business vocabulary, etc. Overall there is a need to review your scholarly practice; a lot of inconsistencies in evidence. Overall an adequate scholarly practice demonstrated. However some inconsistencies in evidence. Overall a good scholarly practice demonstrated. Overall a very good scholarly practice demonstrated.
Presentation Significant re-write and restructuring required. Weak presentation – significant improvements required. Presentation is acceptable overall. but requires improvement on writing, structure, etc. Adequately presented, but requires improvement in some parts of the essay Professional in many respects; good structure, well written; within the word count limit. Professional, well structured, well written; within the word count limit.
Learning Outcomes

The completion of this assignment requires you to demonstrate the ability to:

• Apply consistently in-depth knowledge and reference relevant global business management theory. Generate a variety of ways of tackling a selected problem and identify options that have a chance of success in different organisational, geographical and economical entities.

• Identify quantitative and qualitative “information gaps”, and the relevant sources needed to fill such lacunae. Prepare and use IT to aid efficient searching, evaluation and selection of information, exploring alternative lines of enquiry where appropriate. Present information effectively, including evidence to support your conclusions.

• Identify and critically assess in a comprehensive fashion the current strengths and weaknesses of the international organisation(s) relative to its global environment. Evaluate and synthesise information from different sources, theories and principles, and communicate relevant information effectively, and with accuracy.

• Critically analyse the effectiveness of your strategy, including factors that had an impact on the outcomes, and identify ways to take the organisation forward, and ways of further developing problem solving skills

Format for submission

The word limit is3,500 (+/-10%)
All work should be word processed using either Times New Roman or Ariel font, with line spacing of 1½ and justified.
A Reference listmust be attached at the end of the report.
A minimum of 10peer reviewed academic sources is required.

Assignment Detail

Assignment: Assessing Potential Markets in Emerging Economies

The Task

Emerging economiesare becoming key targets for companies wanting to expand in international markets. Often BRICS (Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa) have been identified in the literature as the key group of markets that are very attractive as destination for investment, export, and other forms of international business.

Star Trucks Ltd. is a trucks manufacturing company, with a production plant in Bedford, UK, and Head Office in London, UK. It markets its trucks mainly in the EU (European Union), the Middle Eastern,and other Mediterranean Region markets. Management has realised that these markets are nearly saturated and its new strategy is to go worldwide and get a good foothold in emerging markets.

Assume you are General Manager of a marketing consulting firm, Market Solutions International Ltd. The CEO of Star Trucks Ltd. has approached you to assess opportunities in the emerging markets. The following is the Brief you are given by the CEO:

“Considering Star Trucks Ltd. being a medium sized company we want to expand cautiously and step by step. While operating in all BRICS economies is a long term objective at first we want to identify the most prospective market to enter. To identify this market we need to research one country in each of the continents. i.e.:
Brazil (from South America)
India (from Asia), and
South Africa (from Africa)

We want to know which of these three markets the firm should enter first, therefore we want you to undertake a comparative analysis. In your analysis examine the investment environment, effects of governments’ interventionist policies, the market potential, the impact of regional integration initiatives, if any, and related issues with a clear identification of opportunities and threats in each of these markets. Recommend which country should the firm enter first, explain why, and indicate how it should enter this market with justification. Resource wise, we are confident that we will have no problem to undertake the opportunities your report will identify for us”.

Based on the above Brief prepare a report to the attention of the CEO of Star Trucks Ltd.

Details of marking criteria are as follows:

Assignment Marking Criteria (see also marking grid)

While marking your assignment we will be looking for evidence for how well you have addressed the question / issues. The following part explains the key points you should consider in preparing your assignment. It is also important to review the specifications and guidelines outlined in your unit handbook, such as ‘Learning outcomes’ along with the ‘Assessment Criteria’, ‘the Assignment Strategy’, etc.

1. Introduction: A brief introduction that provides the purpose of the report or its objectives and how the report is structured. Interpreting the question – this ideally should be clear within the introduction along with background / context.

2. Addressing the question / topic: The main body of the report where the question is addressed. (This part may have a few sections / sub-sections). The key criteria here include:
a. Research – evidence of systematic research approach, depth and breadth of research undertaken; application of some conceptual (theoretical / empirical) framework(s), etc.
b. Analysis – well focussed on answering the question, depth and clarity of argument, organising / summarising collected information; answering the questions/tasks fully.
c. Scholarly practice – a proper referencing within the report (citations), employing appropriate International Business vocabulary, etc., the quality of the Reference section. (Harvard style of referencing).

3. Conclusion: A clear, concise, and relevant conclusion (and recommendations where appropriate). A conclusion where the key points that have emerged from the discussion are summarised, implications and where further investigation may be appropriate are stated.

4. Presentation: Neat layout, and headings / sub-headings where appropriate. Clarity of expression (appropriate language, grammar, spelling, etc.). Length of the report should be 3,500 (+/-10%) without including the reference section. Word-count at the end of the report. No attachments / appendices allowed.

Please note that the above does not necessarily provide you with the headings / subheadings to be used in your report. While generic headings such as ‘Introduction’, ‘Conclusion’, and ‘Recommendations’ would be appropriate and could be used in your report, other headings / subheadings would emerge from the issues you are researching. Headings / subheadings give a logical, sequential, and meaningful structure for your report.

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MAR023-6 TCGC Assignment 2: Marking Grid

MAR023-6 TCGC Assignment 2: Marking Grid

Criteria Poor F
(1-34%) Weak E
(35-39%) Below Average D (40-49%) Average / Good C (50-59%) Good / V. Good B
(60-69%) V. Good / Excel. A
( 70% & above)

Need to give a clear set of aims and objectives. The focus is on the general topic/question.
Aims and objectives not presented clearly or are inappropriate. The focus is on the general topic. Aims and objectives stated but these do not adequately interpret the question. An adequate statement of aims and objectives that interpret the question fairly well. A good introduction provided with clear aims and objectives that interpret the question well. A very good introduction with clear aims and objectives that interpret the question accurately.
Literature is loosely related to the topic and is general. Should indicate sufficient breadth or depth of reading and/or understanding. Literature is mostly related to the topic but is general. There is a lack of depth and breadth, and largely descriptive.
Relevant literature has been presented but there is lack of depth and breadth of coverage. Attempt to apply some conceptual framework, but lack clarity. Relevant literature has been presented with adequate depth and breadth. But there is evidence of gaps where further research would be appropriate. Specific and relevant choice of literature is presented evidencing wide reading and understanding of the question. Good attempt at applying conceptual frameworks. A wide and relevant choice of literature presented with a well argued narrative. Impressive breadth & depth of research. Clear conceptual framework(s) applied.
Analysis Weak discussion, too descriptive, key issues not examined adequately. Discussion lacks clarity and depth, and is not adequate to lead to a sound conclusion nor focused enough to answer the question adequately. Relevant issues identified and an adequate discussion is presented. However the analysis does not go far enough to answer the question adequately. A good discussion of relevant issues presented. However a considerable gap in the focus, depth and width of the argument is evident. A sound, focused, critical evaluation and synthesis present; the argument offers clear links to answering the question. A very good, critical and focused evaluation and synthesis; a convincing argument presented in answering the question fully.

Conclusion and recommendations The conclusion is poor lacking in clarity. Recommendations are not evaluated and are not convincing. The conclusion presented lacks clarity. It does not fully reflect the analysis provided nor the aims and objectives. Recommendations lack clarity and evaluation. The conclusion presented is not that clear and convincing. Not adequately connected to the aims and objectives. Recommendations do not appear practical. An adequate conclusion, with sufficient connection to the stated aims and objectives. Recommendations are workable but not adequately evaluated. A good conclusion – clear and relevant with good connection to the stated aims and objectives. Sound and well evaluated recommendations. A very good conclusion – clear, concise, and relevant; connected to the stated aims and objectives. Sound & well evaluated recommendations.
Scholarly practice
You should follow the recommended scholarly practice. It is generally below the norm at this level. Overall weak. Need to review citations & referencing styles, use of appropriate global business vocabulary, etc. Overall there is a need to review your scholarly practice; a lot of inconsistencies in evidence. Overall an adequate scholarly practice demonstrated. However some inconsistencies in evidence. Overall a good scholarly practice demonstrated. Overall a very good scholarly practice demonstrated.
Presentation Significant re-write and restructuring required. Weak presentation – significant improvements required. Presentation is acceptable overall. but requires improvement on writing, structure, etc. Adequately presented, but requires improvement in some parts of the essay Professional in many respects; good structure, well written; within the word count limit. Professional, well structured, well written; within the word count limit.
Learning Outcomes

The completion of this assignment requires you to demonstrate the ability to:

• Apply consistently in-depth knowledge and reference relevant global business management theory. Generate a variety of ways of tackling a selected problem and identify options that have a chance of success in different organisational, geographical and economical entities.

• Identify quantitative and qualitative “information gaps”, and the relevant sources needed to fill such lacunae. Prepare and use IT to aid efficient searching, evaluation and selection of information, exploring alternative lines of enquiry where appropriate. Present information effectively, including evidence to support your conclusions.

• Identify and critically assess in a comprehensive fashion the current strengths and weaknesses of the international organisation(s) relative to its global environment. Evaluate and synthesise information from different sources, theories and principles, and communicate relevant information effectively, and with accuracy.

• Critically analyse the effectiveness of your strategy, including factors that had an impact on the outcomes, and identify ways to take the organisation forward, and ways of further developing problem solving skills

Format for submission

The word limit is3,500 (+/-10%)
All work should be word processed using either Times New Roman or Ariel font, with line spacing of 1½ and justified.
A Reference listmust be attached at the end of the report.
A minimum of 10peer reviewed academic sources is required.

Assignment Detail

Assignment: Assessing Potential Markets in Emerging Economies

The Task

Emerging economiesare becoming key targets for companies wanting to expand in international markets. Often BRICS (Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa) have been identified in the literature as the key group of markets that are very attractive as destination for investment, export, and other forms of international business.

Star Trucks Ltd. is a trucks manufacturing company, with a production plant in Bedford, UK, and Head Office in London, UK. It markets its trucks mainly in the EU (European Union), the Middle Eastern,and other Mediterranean Region markets. Management has realised that these markets are nearly saturated and its new strategy is to go worldwide and get a good foothold in emerging markets.

Assume you are General Manager of a marketing consulting firm, Market Solutions International Ltd. The CEO of Star Trucks Ltd. has approached you to assess opportunities in the emerging markets. The following is the Brief you are given by the CEO:

“Considering Star Trucks Ltd. being a medium sized company we want to expand cautiously and step by step. While operating in all BRICS economies is a long term objective at first we want to identify the most prospective market to enter. To identify this market we need to research one country in each of the continents. i.e.:
Brazil (from South America)
India (from Asia), and
South Africa (from Africa)

We want to know which of these three markets the firm should enter first, therefore we want you to undertake a comparative analysis. In your analysis examine the investment environment, effects of governments’ interventionist policies, the market potential, the impact of regional integration initiatives, if any, and related issues with a clear identification of opportunities and threats in each of these markets. Recommend which country should the firm enter first, explain why, and indicate how it should enter this market with justification. Resource wise, we are confident that we will have no problem to undertake the opportunities your report will identify for us”.

Based on the above Brief prepare a report to the attention of the CEO of Star Trucks Ltd.

Details of marking criteria are as follows:

Assignment Marking Criteria (see also marking grid)

While marking your assignment we will be looking for evidence for how well you have addressed the question / issues. The following part explains the key points you should consider in preparing your assignment. It is also important to review the specifications and guidelines outlined in your unit handbook, such as ‘Learning outcomes’ along with the ‘Assessment Criteria’, ‘the Assignment Strategy’, etc.

1. Introduction: A brief introduction that provides the purpose of the report or its objectives and how the report is structured. Interpreting the question – this ideally should be clear within the introduction along with background / context.

2. Addressing the question / topic: The main body of the report where the question is addressed. (This part may have a few sections / sub-sections). The key criteria here include:
a. Research – evidence of systematic research approach, depth and breadth of research undertaken; application of some conceptual (theoretical / empirical) framework(s), etc.
b. Analysis – well focussed on answering the question, depth and clarity of argument, organising / summarising collected information; answering the questions/tasks fully.
c. Scholarly practice – a proper referencing within the report (citations), employing appropriate International Business vocabulary, etc., the quality of the Reference section. (Harvard style of referencing).

3. Conclusion: A clear, concise, and relevant conclusion (and recommendations where appropriate). A conclusion where the key points that have emerged from the discussion are summarised, implications and where further investigation may be appropriate are stated.

4. Presentation: Neat layout, and headings / sub-headings where appropriate. Clarity of expression (appropriate language, grammar, spelling, etc.). Length of the report should be 3,500 (+/-10%) without including the reference section. Word-count at the end of the report. No attachments / appendices allowed.

Please note that the above does not necessarily provide you with the headings / subheadings to be used in your report. While generic headings such as ‘Introduction’, ‘Conclusion’, and ‘Recommendations’ would be appropriate and could be used in your report, other headings / subheadings would emerge from the issues you are researching. Headings / subheadings give a logical, sequential, and meaningful structure for your report.

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